
Monday 10 December 2012

Enbridge Pipeline Quiz

Hi Class,

There will be a current event quiz on Friday the 14th on the Enbridge pipeline article!!!

Ms. U

Thursday 6 December 2012

The Enbridge Pipeline

Hi Class,

Today we started working on a current event. You have a What in the World package. Here is the link to the video that describes the rout of the pipeline:

  • Please complete page 5 #1 & 2 (the Pros and Cons) of the pipeline.
Also, here are the links to the examples of sociograms:

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Victorian Era Schools

Hi Class,

Today we covered what it was like in school for children during the Victorian Era. We watched this video clip:

Your homework is to complete the Victorian Era worksheet on schools for next class. Use this website to help:

Ms. U

Friday 16 November 2012

Introduction to the Victorian Era PPT

Hi Everyone,

Here is the link to the Victorian Era PowerPoint from last class: Victorian Era Presentation


Ms. U

Web 2.0 Technologies

Hi Class,

Here is the link to the website to help you pick a Web 2.0 technology to create your Victorian Era projects:

Also, if you are interested in Xtranormal, go to:

Ms. U

Friday 2 November 2012

Early Canada Test

Hi Everyone,

Here is the information that you need to study for the test on Tuesday:

  • Early Canada and the Fur Trade
  • What life was like upon arrival in the colonies
  • The immigrant experience
  • Life in Upper Canada
  • The role that social class played in a settler's experience
  • Problem of land in Upper Canada
  • The Underground Railway
  • Lives of Women
  • Colonial Government
  • Rebellions of UC & LC
  • Lord Durham and his report
  • 20 multiple choice
  • 20 short answer marks
  • 1 paragraph question?!?!?!?!?
Happy studying :-)

Ms. U

Lord Durham

Hi Class,

The Upper Canada Rebellion storybooks are due today! Looking forward to reading these over the weekend!

Today we will cover the final topic in the unit; Lord Durham and his report. To do this we will watch a video and also complete a worksheet.

Here is the video:

Lord Durham by John Howe, National Film Board of Canada

Don't forget, the Early Canada/Chapter 1 test is on Tuesday!!!

Ms. U

Monday 29 October 2012


Hi Class,

Here is the agenda for the day:

  1. Hand in rebellion leaders résumé (I will hire the best candidate!!!)
  2. Review issues in Upper/Lower Canada worksheet
  3. Start confrontation at Montgomery's Tavern assignment (Due FRIDAY!)
File:Montgomery's Tavern.jpg
Battle at Montgomery's Tavern

Ms. U

Thursday 25 October 2012

Rebellion Leaders

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to create a resume for one of the leaders of the rebellions of 1837. You can choose either William Lyon Mackenzie or Louis Joseph Papineau. For more information on each leader, click on their portrait below.

William Lyon Mackenzie

politician Louis-Joseph Papineau
Louis Joseph Papineau

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Colonial Reform

Hi Class,

Today the topic is early colonial government. You need to read pages 33-39.

There are two assignments:

  • Worksheet #1-17 (do not have to do #8)
  • Activity 1-4 (pie graph of the ethnic make up of colonial Canada)
Ms. U

Thursday 18 October 2012

Women in Upper Canada

Today's topic is women in Upper Canada. One of the more famous early pioneer women to Upper Canada was Susanna Moodie. Here is a radio minute to describe her encounters in Upper Canada:

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Multiculturalism and the Underground Railway

Hi Class,

Today's topic is multiculturalism and the Underground Railway. We will be using this image as part of our studies.

Ms. Underwood


  1. Read pages 26-29
  2. Finish the Underground Railway Package (due next class)
  3. Finish your immigrant experience assignment (due next class)

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Upper Canada Assignments

Hi Class,

Today your assignments are as follows:
  1. Create a web diagram that summarizes the content on Upper Canada (pages 16-22)
    • Choose appropriate subheadings
    • Add details that support each subheading
    • Select words to connect the detail to the subheading
  2. Create a Venn diagram that describes the early forms of government in Upper and Lower Canada.
    • Upper Canada = Family Compact (pg. 19, 20, 33, 34)
    • Lower Canada = Chateau Clique (pg. 19, 38)

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Colonies in the Wilderness

Here is a link to today's powerpoint on Colonies in the Wilderness


  • Finish the worksheet handed out in class today. 
  • You do not have to do "B" on the last page!!

Thursday 27 September 2012

Chapter 3 Unit Test Review

Hi Everyone,

Here is an idea of what you will need to review for the upcoming test.


  • 30 multiple choice questions
  • 20 short answer (analysis of figures, etc)
  • Location
  • Five guiding principles of location
  • Physiographic regions (and their characteristics)
  • The processes that made the physiographic regions (plate tectonics)
  • Vegetation regions
  • Climate regions
  • Types of rainfall
  • The effect that humans have had on altering ecosystems (esp. The Prairies)
  • Natural regions
  • Cultural landscapes
  • Any vocab words in Chapter 3
Happy studying!

Cultural Landscape

Hi Everyone,

Today's topic and the final topic for this unit is Cultural Landscapes. Find the power point here:

  • Review for the test next class!!!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

CMap Software for making Flow Charts

Many of you were asking what a flow chart is. A flow chart is a visual means of representing a process. It also seeks to explain relationships between the parts of a system. Each step or process is represented by a different symbol and contains a brief description. Flow chart symbols are linked together with arrows showing the process flow direction.

Here is an example of a flow chart:

Also, here is a link to a software program that you can download to make your own flow charts:

Ms. U

Monday 24 September 2012

Natural Regions

In today's class we will study the natural regions of Canada. Here is the power point link to the slides:

Your assignment for today is to choose one question on page 115. You should work in class, and complete the activity by next class (Thurs).

You should also make sure that you are keeping up with the readings! We are now up to page 114 in the text. Today's material is found on pages 108-114. Only two more classes until the Regions test on Oct. 1! Start reviewing!

Ms. U

Friday 21 September 2012

Types of Precipitation

Here is a video that helps to illustrate the orographic rainfall:

Orographic rainfall

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Climagraph Data

Hi Class,

Use this link to construct a climagraph for Vancouver (UBC):

Climagraph Assignment
  • Use the climagraphs on pg. 105 as an example
  • Construct a graph using the data from the link above for Vancouver (UBC)
  • Your graph must include a title
  • Label the axis in degrees Celsius and mm for precipitation
  • Temperature should be displayed in a red line
  • Precipitation should be displayed in blue bars (this is the reverse of what you see above!!!)
  • Both sets of data should be visible on the same graph (do not create two different graphs!!)
  • This assignment is out of  8 marks

Ms. U

Plate Tectonics

Hi Class,

One of the topics that we are covering today is Plate Tectonics. There are two videos that we are going to watch to give us background on the topic.

The first one explains the plate movement of the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, and North American plates:

The second video shows what will happen if there is an earthquake and a Tsunami:

Regions of Vancouver

Hi Everyone,

Today in class we will start by reviewing the regions of Vancouver. Here is a link to a map of Vancouver:

Also, make sure you are keeping up with the readings. You should read pg. 99-107 for Thursday!

Ms. U

Monday 17 September 2012

The Geography of Western Canada

Hi Class,

Here is a link to the Geography of Western Canada power point that we went over in class today.

Don't forget that your Regions of Canada assignment is due on Wednesday!

Ms. U

Thursday 13 September 2012

Physiographic Regions of Canada

Today in class we worked on the physiographic regions of Canada assignment. See the map below as a reference point. Please note however, that this map is missing the Intermountain Region. You would find this region in between the Western Cordillera running along the coastal mountain ranges.

Block 1.3 - Homework:

  • Activity 1.2 - Due Monday
  • Physiographic Regions Assignment (Journal entries or paragraphs) Due Wednesday

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Latitude and Longitude Quiz Thursday

Latitude and Longitude Quiz Thursday!!

Also, please read pg. 93-98!!

Follow this link to view the Latitude and Longitude PowerPoint

And if you are having troubles understanding how to read the index of an atlas, check out this graphic:

This day in history....

What happened in this day in history 11 years ago???

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Welcome back!!

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful summer vacation! Now it's time to get back to it! We will be using this blog in a variety of ways, which, over the course of the year I will explain to you. You will be able to find recaps of our daily lessons, reminders about upcomming tests/quizzes, and links to handouts.

To get us started I want to talk about technology in the classroom. Specifically, the use of cellphones in class.

Take a look at the video below on the topic: