
Monday 29 October 2012


Hi Class,

Here is the agenda for the day:

  1. Hand in rebellion leaders résumé (I will hire the best candidate!!!)
  2. Review issues in Upper/Lower Canada worksheet
  3. Start confrontation at Montgomery's Tavern assignment (Due FRIDAY!)
File:Montgomery's Tavern.jpg
Battle at Montgomery's Tavern

Ms. U

Thursday 25 October 2012

Rebellion Leaders

Hi Class,

Today's assignment is to create a resume for one of the leaders of the rebellions of 1837. You can choose either William Lyon Mackenzie or Louis Joseph Papineau. For more information on each leader, click on their portrait below.

William Lyon Mackenzie

politician Louis-Joseph Papineau
Louis Joseph Papineau

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Colonial Reform

Hi Class,

Today the topic is early colonial government. You need to read pages 33-39.

There are two assignments:

  • Worksheet #1-17 (do not have to do #8)
  • Activity 1-4 (pie graph of the ethnic make up of colonial Canada)
Ms. U

Thursday 18 October 2012

Women in Upper Canada

Today's topic is women in Upper Canada. One of the more famous early pioneer women to Upper Canada was Susanna Moodie. Here is a radio minute to describe her encounters in Upper Canada:

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Multiculturalism and the Underground Railway

Hi Class,

Today's topic is multiculturalism and the Underground Railway. We will be using this image as part of our studies.

Ms. Underwood


  1. Read pages 26-29
  2. Finish the Underground Railway Package (due next class)
  3. Finish your immigrant experience assignment (due next class)

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Upper Canada Assignments

Hi Class,

Today your assignments are as follows:
  1. Create a web diagram that summarizes the content on Upper Canada (pages 16-22)
    • Choose appropriate subheadings
    • Add details that support each subheading
    • Select words to connect the detail to the subheading
  2. Create a Venn diagram that describes the early forms of government in Upper and Lower Canada.
    • Upper Canada = Family Compact (pg. 19, 20, 33, 34)
    • Lower Canada = Chateau Clique (pg. 19, 38)

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Colonies in the Wilderness

Here is a link to today's powerpoint on Colonies in the Wilderness


  • Finish the worksheet handed out in class today. 
  • You do not have to do "B" on the last page!!