
Tuesday 20 November 2012

Victorian Era Schools

Hi Class,

Today we covered what it was like in school for children during the Victorian Era. We watched this video clip:

Your homework is to complete the Victorian Era worksheet on schools for next class. Use this website to help:

Ms. U

Friday 16 November 2012

Introduction to the Victorian Era PPT

Hi Everyone,

Here is the link to the Victorian Era PowerPoint from last class: Victorian Era Presentation


Ms. U

Web 2.0 Technologies

Hi Class,

Here is the link to the website to help you pick a Web 2.0 technology to create your Victorian Era projects:

Also, if you are interested in Xtranormal, go to:

Ms. U

Friday 2 November 2012

Early Canada Test

Hi Everyone,

Here is the information that you need to study for the test on Tuesday:

  • Early Canada and the Fur Trade
  • What life was like upon arrival in the colonies
  • The immigrant experience
  • Life in Upper Canada
  • The role that social class played in a settler's experience
  • Problem of land in Upper Canada
  • The Underground Railway
  • Lives of Women
  • Colonial Government
  • Rebellions of UC & LC
  • Lord Durham and his report
  • 20 multiple choice
  • 20 short answer marks
  • 1 paragraph question?!?!?!?!?
Happy studying :-)

Ms. U

Lord Durham

Hi Class,

The Upper Canada Rebellion storybooks are due today! Looking forward to reading these over the weekend!

Today we will cover the final topic in the unit; Lord Durham and his report. To do this we will watch a video and also complete a worksheet.

Here is the video:

Lord Durham by John Howe, National Film Board of Canada

Don't forget, the Early Canada/Chapter 1 test is on Tuesday!!!

Ms. U