
Tuesday 30 April 2013

Rights and Responsibilities

Hi Class,

Today we worked on understanding our rights and freedoms. We learned that we have certain rights and freedoms that are protected by law in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (part of the Canadian Constitution). For homework complete:

  • Worksheet 2.4
  • Questions. Use Handout 2.5 to help answer the following:
    • Brainstorm reasons why fewer people in the province are casting their ballot.
    • Is this decline disrespectful to those who had to fight for their right to vote?
See you Thursday!

Ms. U

Friday 26 April 2013

Types of Government

Hi Class,

Today we started on the Student Vote Activities. Your homework is to complete Worksheet 1.1: Types of Government & Worksheet 1.2: Who Should Decide by next class.
Ms. U

Friday 19 April 2013

Hugo Chavez article

Hi Class,

So to transition back from Ms. Kingstone teaching, and to prepare for my return we are starting off with a current event!! We will be looking at an article on Hugo Chavez.

We will be looking at these links to give us some more background into the situation in Venezuela:

There will be a Current Event Quiz on Friday!
Ms. U