
Friday 7 June 2013

Final Test

Hi Class,

Just wanted to remind you that your final test is on Monday!

Ms. U

Thursday 6 June 2013

The Chinese in British Columbia

Hi Class,

Today we finished studying our last topic of the year!!! Wooohoooo!!! Today's lesson was about the Chinese in British Columbia and their experiences on the Canadian Pacific Railway.

Please spend some time browsing the pages of "The Ties That Bind" website. Go through all of the pages and check out the videos and images.

Complete the following questions with a partner:
  1. Who were the Chinese railroad workers?
  2. What was life like for the Chinese railroad workers during the railway building period and afterwards
  3. What challenges did the Chinese railroad workers experience? What about their descendants’ challenges?
  4. How did the Chinese railroad workers and their descendants help shape British Columbia and Canada?
Here are some other websites that are helpful too!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The Emergence of Vancouver and Early BC Economy

Hi Class,

Here is what you should finish by next class:

  • Using pages 230-233, create a web that describes what Vancouver was like in 1885. Be sure to include three branches:
    • Society
    • Politics
    • Economics
  • Read over pages 236-238 and complete #4 on pg. 238.
See you soon, 
Ms. U